Modern Slavery Statement


York Consulting LLP (referred to in this policy as ‘the Company’) is committed to an approach of continuous improvement in relation to actions to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking. This statement is provided on behalf of the Company and is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘the Act’).

Organisation and supply chains

The Company is a Limited Liability Partnership and one of the UK’s leading socio-economic research and evaluation consultancies.

The services provided within the company’s supply chain include direct research expertise or indirect operational support. The large majority of the Company’s suppliers are long-term and UK-based with the exception of some software providers.

Policies in relation to slavery and human trafficking

The Company recognises that everyone should be treated with respect and dignity in the workplace and has an equal opportunities policy approved by its board. The Company has a whistle-blowing policy applicable to all staff, described in the Staff Handbook, to encourage all to report any concerns or wrongdoing by the organisation or individuals within the organisation.

Training in anti-slavery policy is applicable to all employed staff and is applicable to suppliers working on our behalf to ensure awareness of our collective obligations and responsibilities in complying with the Act.

Due diligence

All suppliers are subject to a due diligence review as part of the Company’s contract management procedures to determine if they can be approved. All suppliers shall be required to confirm their compliance with the Act.

Risk assessment and management

Company staff are paid at least the Living Wage and are not considered to be vulnerable to modern slavery. The Company considers the risk of modern slavery to be low within their supply chain due to the nature of the services engaged.

Key performance indicators to measure effectiveness of steps being taken

The Company regards the due diligence reviews for new suppliers as a key performance indicator to measure effectiveness in ensuring that any risks in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking are identified, monitored and mitigated within its supply chains. The Company is committed to a zero tolerance approach to non-compliance and will uphold the Act and all laws relevant to countering slavery and human trafficking.

This statement was approved by Executive Board Members on the 9th June 2022.

Amendment History

  • Version - 1.0
  • Modified On - 9/6/2022
  • Modified By - Philip Wilson
  • Comments - Document created based on previous version

Feedback from our clients

  • "It’s a great report, and I’ve submitted it to the Ofsted inspection team." – Strategic Commissioner, local authority

  • “Thanks for such a thoughtful report. It will be very useful to us and other organisations. Another great job from York Consulting!” Local Authority Director

  • “Thank you for this very helpful evaluation. I have only received positive feedback on it. It has been great working with you.” Local Authority Head of Service

  • “Your report was extremely thorough, and I appreciate how responsive you were to our additional requests for analysis.” Government department

  • “The team at York Consulting were professional and a delight to work with. I am very grateful for their input.” Government department

  • "Well done – a lot of work in a short space of time and at such high quality.” Sector Skills Council

  • "Your workshop was extremely well received and enabled managers to gain detailed insight, drawing on your expertise and knowledge.” Senior manager, not-for-profit organisation

  • "It [YCL’s final report] is one of the most impressive evaluation reports I’ve had the pleasure to read.” Principal, Further Education College

  • “YCL staff understand our organisation…I have developed a great relationship with them and I hope to work with them again.” Housing Association

  • “I’ve enjoyed working with you on this project. Thanks for your co-operation and flexibility.” Government department